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12월 09일(금) 뉴스룸 엔딩곡 Line 'Em Up-James Taylor 가사포함
I remember Richard Nixon back in '74 and the final scene at the White House door and the staff lined up to say good-bye, tiny tear in his shifty little eye, he said, "nobody knows me, nobody understands. These little people were good to me, oh I'm gonna shake some hands."
Somebody line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up. Somebody line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up.
At that time my heart was all broke, I looked like ashes and smelled like smoke and I turned away from my loving kind, try to leave my body and live in my mind but it's much too much emotion to hold it in your hand. They've got waves out on the ocean, they're gonna wear away the land,
Somebody line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up. Want you to line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up.
Oh, I've seen corn in Kansas and I've seen picket fences and certain cowboy dances. I've gone lining up for shows, I've been safely placed in rows, sure I know how it goes.
Another day goes by, little time machine, I'm raking my brain over what it might mean just to claim the time and to turn away, to make today today. Who waits for you, lonely tired old toad? It's your life laid out before you like the broken white line down the center of the road.
Line 'em up line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up. Line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up.
Yeah, big moon landing, people are standing up, smiles for the loved ones, they go walking on down the aisles. Each re-engages stepping into the sun, I watch them turn like pages one by one by one,
Want you to line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up. Line 'em up, line 'em all up, line 'em up, line 'em all up.
-> 탄핵 역풍 속 치뤄진 17대 총선 결과 (열린우리당 152, 한나라 121, 새천년민주당 9, 자유민주연합 4, 국민통합21 1, 민주노동당 10, 무소속 2 - 총 299석) - 2004.4.15.
[2016년 박근혜]
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2016.12.8. 국회 본회의 보고
2016.12.9. 탄핵소추안 표결 (15시 개의) - 15:24 무기명투표 시작 안내 - 15:54 투표마감 선언과 동시에 개표 시작 (명패수를 먼저 세고 투표수 셈. 299매 동일 확인) - 16:9 투표결과 발표 / 총 투표수 299 (찬성234, 반대56, 기권2, 무효7) - 4:13 산회 선포
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